Non-GMO Weed Control Workshop

Westfield Grain and Schwartz Farms recently hosted a Non-GMO Weed Control Workshop for local farmers. Our goal was to delve into effective strategies for maintaining clean fields and optimizing profits for Non-GMO soybeans. The event featured speakers, including Alyssa Essman, a Weed Science Extension specialist from Ohio State, Lee Beers, the Trumbull County Extension Agent from OSU, and Kevin Fall representing Rosen's Inc. Their expertise provided attendees with invaluable insights into weed control techniques and farming practices.

Representatives from Syngenta, FMC and Valent were at the meeting to provide information and answer any concerns our foodgrade growers may have. These reps were also generous enough to provide a delicious meal from Barry Dyngles and pies made by Esther Horne. Thank you!

This gathering not only equipped farmers with the knowledge to enhance their Non-GMO soybean yields but also highlighted the strength of community partnerships in fostering agricultural innovation and sustainability.


Profit Talks: March & April 2024


Harvest Cab Cam with Ohio’s Country Journal